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Remembering that You Are Loved & Loving Others Intentionally

This post differs from the usual finance and frugal living tips we discuss on the blog. But I felt it was important to share, because it was really on my heart. And while spending intentionally is the focus of this blog, the heart of it is truly living intentionally.

On Valentines Day, I woke up, drank my coffee, and did some reflecting. It was really on my heart to think of those who don't feel like they have much love to celebrate.

Many people associate love with romantic love, and while that is an important part of Valentines Day, there is so much other love that can and should be celebrated every single day.

Its a day for love, especially romantic love, but shouldn’t every day be a day for all kinds of love?

What if you’re single?

What if you’re isolated?

What if, even on Valentine’s Day, you don’t feel like you have anyone to love?

What if you don’t feel like anyone loves you?

Love isn’t just having a wonderful significant other, being close with your family, having a group of good friends, etc. Because what if you don’t have these things? Do you not have any love?

Love is more than that.

Love is going out of your way to help a stranger, even if it inconveniences you.

Love is the stranger that helps you when you need it.

Love is listening to someone who needs to vent, and encouraging them back up.

Love is smiling at a stranger.

Love is a sincere thank you.

Love is having a little extra kindness in your voice because you don’t know what someone else’s day holds.

Love is waking up each day and trusting there is a point to all of this. Love is spending each day doing your best, trying to stay humble, living intentionally, and living by faith instead of sight.

(I am a very imperfect person. Nothing gives me an “up” to say this over another. I strive each day to do these things. Some days, I epically fail! It was just on my heart that Valentine’s Day morning - love is so many things.)

We are all loved, and nothing can ever change that. We all have a purpose. We were all made with such love that nothing in this world can ever take that from us, no matter our current circumstance.

Please, don't forget that you are loved. And that we have the choice to love others with everything we do! How cool is that?

If you're looking for a quick way to show love to someone today, whether through a thoughtful gift or a heartfelt act of kindness, you can find some simple ideas here.

1 Comment

Maddie Astle
Maddie Astle
Feb 22, 2020

I really love this post! An important topic explored really well - thanks for sharing! Maddie -



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