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Saving up for a big purchase can be a challenge. And when you calculate how much you're looking to save, it can become suddenly become a very intimidating challenge. Where do you even begin?

In this post, we'll be going over some simple ways that you can save up for a big purchase with minimal headache and stress. Through these six simple methods, you can take a simple yet significant look at your goals and work toward them intentionally.

1. Make Goals

Think of goals. Set goals. Keep goals. Work toward goals. Remember your goals.

Goals are such a motivational way to not only word toward, but also to measure our progress against. Without a goal, it can be harder to see where you stand and see the evidence that your hard work has paid off. But don't just make a random goal for the sake of it, make an intentional goal that you're excited about.

Have a goal? Great. Now figure out what it means to you. Motivate yourself. If you have to, make notes to read later when you want to remember why you started.

Try breaking your goal down into realistic, small steps that you can achieve. This can be much less intimidating, and make tracking progress much more exciting and interactive!

For example: let's say that your goal is to save $5,000 for an upcoming purchase. Woah. That is a big chunk of money staring you down. But if you start to break it down into realistic amounts and timelines, so much of that pressure can be lifted.

Think of it as saving about $100 a week for the course of a year. Or maybe around $200 a week for the course of 6 months. Look at how you can cut back on your expenses to save these amounts. What can you do, in your power, to achieve this?

I use a custom-made budgeting spreadsheet and savings estimator for setting goals. I developed it after months of struggling with organizing my money, and it has been so helpful for rocking my budget. You can learn more about that here.

Having realistic and detailed goals is a motivating way to work towards saving for a big purchase. Not only can it be helpful for holding yourself accountable, but it can also be motivating to see how far you've come.

Some examples for goals could be:

  • timelines of dates you want to achieve x dollars

  • transferring x dollars to your savings account each payday

  • cutting back on items to save those dollars per week (we'll discuss more on this below)

2. Keep Track

Tracking your progress and the status of your goals is an important way to hold yourself accountable. Something about tracking something makes it feel real and much more approachable when you can see it laid out in front of you.

Something as simple as a spreadsheet to organize your progress can be a very helpful tool in keeping track.

Although at times it's easy to believe that we're just too busy to stay on track, even just a few minutes per month can make a huge difference. If this sounds like you, I can relate. I was the same way, and my spending really suffered because of it. But, I learned, and ultimately ended up developing an auto-pilot expense/savings/budget tracking spreadsheet that does everything for me in just a few short minutes per month.

Some examples of keeping track could be:

3. Cut Back on Non-Essential Purchases

While this is a challenging category to approach, it is a very basic way to cut back on monthly expenses. There are many things that could be considered non-essential expenses, and chances are that they will look different to each person.

If your savings goal requires you to save a certain amount per week, there's no better place to start than to take a good, realistic look at if and how you can achieve that savings amount per week. Often times, a few simple, small spending changes can really add up over time to be strong money saving habits.

If this is something you want to dive into, check out this post on some costly purchases you may be making with their cheaper alternatives.

Some examples of non-essential expenses could include:

  • fast food and dining out

  • buying coffee rather than making it at home

  • buying expensive gifts rather than thoughtful yet frugal gifts

  • going for drives just for fun, rather than just to commute to/from essential places

4. Make Products at Home

How much do you spend on products each week? From body care to dish soap to gifts and snacks, SO MUCH of spending can easily be done on various products. There is another option: make some at home to save money.

Making things at home might take a little time, but it can save a lot of money in the long run. And hey, it might be a good learning experience too. There are so many things that can be made at home by utilizing a helpful tutorial.

Check out resources (seriously, there are TONS of fantastic blogs that specialize in DIY-ing certain homemade products) to help you consider whether or not you can make something at home before jumping to buy it.

Some examples of products to consider making at home include:

  • bath/body care products (body wash, shampoo, conditioner, etc.)

  • home decor (air fresheners, storage bins, etc.)

  • seasoning mixes

  • snacks

  • gifts for others

It may not be a method to get rich quickly, but it sure does help to save a few dollars (or more) each week by making your own products. Over time, this can really add a little big here and a little big there to your savings. Plus, how cool is it to say you made it yourself!?

5. Sell Used Items

Selling used items is a good way to make a little cash. One thing I recommend is as soon as you sell an item, put that money right into your savings funds. That way, there is no temptation to spend it or even include it with your spending money.

If you sell a few things here and a few things there, this again adds up over time. Of course, bigger items like electronics and appliances can be sold for quite a bit of cash if they are in great condition. From personal experience, these items go the fastest.

Other items like clothes, home decor, etc. in good condition are also simple to post for sale but I've found do take a little more time and effort.

So, if you've got products that you no longer use, this method might just make you some extra cash. Not only does it give someone else a chance to buy a quality, used item for a lower price, but it helps you de-clutter and make a little money.

One of the biggest ways people do this is through having a garage sale. But there are also many apps now which allow to to virtually upload photos and descriptions. If you're interested in learning more, I've got an entire post (linked here) dedicated to selling used items.

6. Budget for The Big Purchase

The big purchase - maybe its a car, a down payment, a new appliance, or a special gift. Maybe its something else. Whatever it is, create a budget for it. Know what you're going to need to spend. And once you have an idea, take a look around to see if there are any possible sales, discounts, etc. that you can utilize.

Also ensure that you take into account any related expenses that may come along with it such as accessories, additional parts, taxes, service fees, tips, etc. Of course, these will vary greatly depending on the purchase.

Last but not least, a big part of budgeting for the purchase is simply having patience. This is one of the most helpful tools in saving for a big purchase. I know it's not fun, but it's super important.

Unfortunately it can take a lot of time, effort, and intentional spending to save to the point we want to - but most times it is so worth it when that day comes.

Picture yourself making that big purchase knowing that all the big and little decisions you made, from budgeting to spending intentionally to cutting back to seeking sales, has helped you get to where you are. And let that image inspire you. You've got this, friend - it just may take a little time to get there.

We've heard it before that water is good for us, but is it possible that choosing to drink water can also benefit our finances? YES! In this post we'll get into the details of how this simple choice can save us a lot of money.

Most places we go, water isn't the popular option - coffee shops, restaurants, fast food, vending machines, the list goes on. While water is usually an option at these places, it isn't always the most convenient or appetizing choice.

That being said, simply choosing a cup of water over a pop, coffee, alcoholic drink, or whatever else - can save hundreds, even thousands, of dollars over the course of a year.

Below we'll go through a few different scenarios of exactly how choosing water can mean money in your pocket.

Scenario 1 - Coffee

Many people are quick to grab a coffee on their way to work, on break, as they're running errands, and the list goes on. While some practice this on occasion, others do it on a daily basis.

Let's say you buy a coffee for $2 (which to be honest, is on the lower end of coffee pricing at most places) each weekday. Your $2 coffee Monday - Friday adds up to $520/year. Spending $5 on a coffee? That's about $1,300/year.

If you're a coffee lover who just can't think about substituting it for water, making your coffee at home and bringing with you in a travel mug is a straightforward money-saving substitution. If you're out and about, having the coffee already made eliminates the temptation to stop somewhere and buy it.

Sure, if you decide to make coffee at home there is still the price of grounds or mix, but sometimes even an entire tub of grounds (AKA lots and lots of homemade coffee) can be the price of a single coffee.

Take a look at this scenario as an example:

  • you use 30 grams of coffee (which is about 2 tbsp) per cup you make at home

  • a tub of 900 grams of coffee grounds could last you for about 30 cups of coffee

  • you buy the tub on sale for about $6

  • you're looking at about 20 cents per cup of coffee

20 cents per cup of coffee. Even if its higher than that, that is an incredible savings compared to buying coffee every day, or even multiple times a day. If your morning coffee is only costing you 20 cents, that's less than $100 a year. Compared to the $500-$1,300 range, that is a STEAL!

Further to making coffee at home, you can save even more money by simply substituting it with water instead. That being said, maybe you don't want to substitute your coffee with water. And while I'd be lying if I said that it wouldn't save you money, I can agree that giving up morning coffee is easier said than done. Even just simply taking the step to make it at home can be a huge improvement to savings.

Scenario 2 - Pop, Juice, and Alcohol

Similar to the coffee scenario, the costs of these drinks like pop, juice, and alcohol can add up quickly without us even noticing. These items may cost only a few dollars, but buying regularly on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis turns into hundreds of dollars a year.

Let's say you spend a few dollars a week on a carton of juice, a few dollars on a case of pop, totaling $8. If you're spending even just $8 per week, you're looking at $400/year.

This isn't about eliminating pops and juices completely, because I understand the deliciousness of them and enjoy them in moderation as well. But on a routine basis, they add up and get in the way of how much water we could be drinking instead. Some ideas for enjoying these on a budget and in moderation include:

  • bulk buying while on sale (ensuring expiry dates will last as long as you plan to keep them)

  • making drinks at home ("bubbly" water, homemade juices, punch, etc.)

  • having a special routine for when to enjoy them (ex: Saturday night movie night with a glass of your favorite pop, but throughout the week - water)

Let's take a look at alcohol. If you're spending even $10 per week (which could be much higher), that is over $500/year.

If you drink alcohol and buy pops/juices, you're close to $1,000 per year on drinks alone. So, substituting any of these items for water would not only be a healthy choice (think about all the unhealthy ingredients you'd be missing out on), it can also be a huge savings opportunity.

Scenario 3 - Water

Yes, water can actually be costing you. While regular bottled water may only cost a few dollars per bulk case, many specialty waters (flavored waters, nutrient waters, sparkling waters, etc.) are close to $1 or $2 per bottle - so if you have one every day, you're looking at over $350/year. Whereas regular bottled water is typically much less at a similar price range but instead for a case of 12 or 24+ bottles.

But maybe you really love those specialty waters. Maybe you limit how much you have them, drinking regular water most often, but love to treat yourself with a "fun" water. What else can you do to save on them without giving them up completely?

  • stock up while on sale

  • consider investing in a machine to make them at one (ex: "bubbly" water)

  • if you really must have them often, consider mixing them with regular water to double their quantity (test out on a small amount first; this works great with some but the flavor turns out not so well with others)

The Incredible Drink Savings

If you're all of these scenarios combined, drinking costs can be as high as $2,000 according to these examples. If you're above these examples, the expenses are higher too.

So, how do you cut back? Here are some of the methods discussed:


  • make drinks at home (coffee, juice, specialty waters, etc.)

  • bulk buy drinks while they're on sale

  • have a routine for when you'll enjoy a drink besides water (ex: movie nights)

  • consider mixing drinks with water to make them last longer but still enjoy some taste

I hope this post has helped you identify ways in which you can cut back without completely giving up your favorite drinks. Maybe in a years time, you'll be surprised at how much you can save by spending on drinks wisely.

What is the biggest way you've found to save on the cost of drinks? Let me know in the comments :)

In this post, I'll be sharing how I make wet napkins at home, as well as a DIY container that acts as a storage unit and dispenser.

Important Note: These napkins are NOT for cleaning or disinfecting.

These napkins are simply more of a soapy/wet version of a napkin or plain baby wipe, and I use them for multiple things that don't require disinfecting or sanitizing.

For example, throughout daily life, I often like to use these napkins for wiping hands after eating a sticky food, wiping my steering wheel if it feels sweaty during summer heat, wiping up crumbs after eating, wiping feet after wearing sandals (because sand), etc.

These are very affordable as all ingredients are common household items, so I actually didn't need to go out and buy these items.

For these wet napkins, I used:

  • baby wipes (I found a generic brand and bought the cheapest ones; I didn't worry much about scent, quality, etc. as I knew I would be adding ingredients to them anyways)

  • soap (I used dish soap but you could use the soap you prefer)

  • water

  • Tupperware container

I used about a cup of water, added some dish soap, and mixed it well - I found I didn't need much soap as it soaps up fast.

To make the container, I cut a hole cut from the top of the lid (if you do this, be very careful) and stuck the baby wipes package's dispensing lid on the hole. The adhesive on the lid was actually sticky enough from the package to be stuck right on. This new lid opens and closes to keep these napkins fresh and dispense them easily. If you've seen my other post on DIY wet wipes, you'll recognize this container from that post.

Then, I poured the mixture over the baby wipes and gave it a good shake. For many baby wipes, I would do this in layers.

There you have it - simple wet napkins at home with minimal ingredients and on a minimal budget.

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